Back in the old days, when I came down to Jasper (aka Earth) to save your miserable arses, people were slightly more stupid than they are now. Note that I use the word 'slightly'. Okay, you want some examples. Well, I can't think of any right now but take my word for it because I'm the Son of friggin' God.
In those days people used to ask me lots of questions about the order of things. They liked neat little packages - you know what I mean, this is good but that is bad. How could I tell them that life, and the finite universe, really just isn't that simple?
One day a farmer came to me. He was really worried because his neighbour was growing straight bananas and he thought this must be the work of Satan.
What a stupid dick, but I couldn't just come straight out and say that to him because he wouldn't have understood.
Plan B - make up a parable.
"There was a farmer in Corinth who wanted to grow bananas, even though the soil in that area wasn't suited to growing bananas. The neighbouring farmers laughed at him when they saw him planting banana trees. A few years passed and the neighbours started to watch as it was time for his first crop to start growing. One farmer predicted that his bananas would be red, like the devil, but the general consensus was that his bananas would be straight - as a punishment from God. What actually happened was that the trees flowered, but no fruit was produced."
You see, dad doesn't really spend a lot of time worrying about bloody bananas and who grows them. It's just that the soil wasn't right in this area and science won out over religious mumbo jumbo.
Look, I guess the moral is that bananas don't have to be bent, or straight. It's what they taste like that really counts.
There is a lot of shit, in the bible, about a lot of things. People should use their common sense, and their brains. For God's sake! (sorry dad) What's the point of having a brain if you don't use it?