Sunday, December 19, 2010

Okay, who has a birthday coming up?

Me dickhead!
Yep, takes me back to thinking of those days when the old man decided to send me down to Earth to save your sorry arses.
Well, hasn't that move paid off well for humanity!
Well, I'll tell you right now, I'm not coming back for a second try. Not bloody likely.
Anyway, Heaven is getting overcrowded with God Botherers; I might just suggest that we send the rest of you souls to Hell.
Why not? I'm tiring of you lot quite a bit. Maybe I'll save dolphins next. They seem like a happy swimmy lot.
I could get them to build churches in the water, and I could give them a waterproof bible. I could even invent dolphin clergy and dolphin Brothers who could fiddle with young dolphins.
Ah well, we'll see after my birthday. I might change my mind, about the dolphin thing, if I get lots of sucking up and lots of presents.


  1. "Well, I'll tell you right now, I'm not coming back for a second try"

    You don't need to come back just for me, though I know you would.
    Millions of us have taken on your message. Look at what happened to the Roman Empire. They all became Christians in the end!

  2. "They all became Christians in the end!"

    Is that the same as being fucked in the arse?

  3. "Is that the same as being fucked in the arse? "
    Well, TC, just between you and me, it's similar.
