Sunday, January 9, 2011

This is how love works.

Number one: you all love me.
Number two: don't get women pregnant unless you're married to them.
Number three: you can love someone of the same sex if you want; shit there are worse things out there!
Yeah, I think that about covers it.
Any questions, just leave a comment and I'll answer it, but don't waste my time with silly shit.


  1. You seem to have the topic covered pretty well. Though, is this your New Testament or Old Testament self (part of the 3 people in one god thing) talking?

  2. Let me explain the 3 people in one god thing. Do you remember that three headed knight in that movie Monty Python and The Holy Grail? Well, that's not too far from the truth.

  3. I have a question.
    Are hungry crows ravenous?

  4. It's good to question convention. Just because someone said there are three types of love doesn't make it true.
    Normally it goes ... sexual ... friendship ... love of God.
    My question Jesus is what could be greater than the love you have for mankind?

  5. "My question Jesus is what could be greater than the love you have for mankind?"
    Well Second, to be honest, I'm not that keen on mankind as a group. Sometimes I laugh up here in heaven at the prayers you offer me.
    Dolphins, yes, I actually prefer dolphins.

  6. Hey, I just quoted a line from a Randy Newman song. Arn't I a smart Jesus!

  7. You should guest on my blog again soon.

  8. Always happy to oblige, my philosophical Buddhist friend.
