Sunday, March 13, 2011

Homosexuality happens when there are no different bits.

A homosexual is a man who fails to notice the different bits on a woman. When he sees another man it is like looking at a woman. Men with poor observation skills should avoid all male working bees and playing rugby. It would be a waste of money for these men to visit a strip club. Homosexuals are simply people with poor observation skills (this is why homosexuals are not good at painting portraits) and can be cured if they are given good glasses that are blessed by a Catholic priest.


  1. Well, there's food for thought here Angry Jesus. I'll be doing some thinking about this topic now.

  2. Anry Jesus, you amke me angry, with all your angry shit.

  3. You make me so angry I don't even spell properly.

  4. No Nicola, think about what he is saying before you shoot off.

  5. Do not value that which will pass.

  6. Homosexuality won't pass, dickweed!
    I hope the devil eats you.

  7. Well, me and dad created it to keep life interesting.
