Sunday, January 29, 2012

The real truth about The Holy Spirit.

I had a comment left on my last post that was really a question. It was left by someone who calls himself Second Fiddle. He wrote,
"Jesus may I ask a question?
Why is saying bad things about the Holy Spirit the only unforgiveable sin?"

Good question Second Fiddle (whose real name is Robert)!
Let me explain.
Think of God as a business. It is run by three people - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Notice how the second partner is called 'The Son'.
How do you get a son?
With a mother and a father.
Obvious really.

The Holy Spirit is my real mother. Yes, that's right Robert.
Remember how, when I came down to Jasper (aka Earth), there was an immaculate conception. Mary was/is a good woman but you can't have two real mothers. Dad set up a sort of matter transfer thing - it certainly is good to be able to do anything and never be wrong!
Dad is very sensitive about anything that is said to God The Mother (as most husbands are) and that's why it's a very silly thing for Christians to say bad things about mum.

Friday, January 27, 2012

I am the Son of God.

His only child - that's me.
I'm more important that the Prime Minister of New Zealand and all CEOs. In fact, being the Son of God is the second most important post in all existence, in all the Finite Universe.

Okay, there is the Holy Spirit but, together we make up God.
Hey, I'm up there with the big guys!