Wednesday, July 4, 2012

In the beginning...

In the beginning there was nothing; just a lot of empty space... and, of course, there was Heaven where we were getting on with our daily lives. Not that we really had a concept of day and night because we gods don't need to sleep. I don't know why dad got it into himself to make man. I guess it was sort of like a hobby. Alternatively he could have invented model trains.
They've taken up quite a bit of his time since he invented them. Ah well, I guess it keeps him busy.


  1. Kind of funny. But why can not you just come to terms with the fact that God is LOVE. We got the concept of LOVE from God.

  2. No Second. Sorry, dad never liked the 'love' concept. We're more into power. Love is unconditional - it doesn't require, or demand, anything. This silly notion called love is a useless comodity if one wants power over others. Love belongs with atheists - those guys who will rot in Hell... forever!

  3. Who would spend hours playing with the trains if you didn't create man? Don't say the apes, we've got better things to do.

  4. Yes God must have spent a lot of time creating this world.Just walk ino a university ... Mph3 when calcimated with Ultra 2 decermates to mongate when mph1 is uranium6 under ultra medius...or some such!

  5. Hey, good point Ape Man who likes bananas.
    Second: God (dad) writes books. He doesn't do computers, films or TV. Oh, and the thing about Elvis still being alive isn't true.
