Saturday, September 16, 2017

I am who am.

That's a bloody silly sentence really. It sounds like something Yoda would say on Star Wars.

"Being me today I am."
I see that Robert (one of my flock) thinks the NZ political elections are undemocratic. Well, I do see everything.
I'm actually okay with undemocratic.
Me and dad and mum go more for the adore us approach.
On that topic, I hope you've been adoring me today.

And just remember...

There's an 'I' in WORSHIP because you adore ME!


  1. So you adore yourself?
    That's where the problem is.

  2. This post I like AG. (Hey, aren't they Tony's initials and the reference that Mike uses to address him?).
    I like how you remind us that you and your family take an autocratic approach to the idiots, sorry, the acolytes who follow you and your non-existant dynasty.

    More power to you*

    * No, I'm kidding. Fuck off!

  3. The trouble with the post is that Richard starts with a statement by the most supreme being then offends Him and his cohort joins in.
