Thursday, September 14, 2017

Proof that I exist.

Some of those stuck up atheists say that the whole Christian thing is not true.Well, on this post, on this morning (southern hemisphere time), on this bloody day I'm going to prove them wrong.

Here I am, this is me, suck on that atheists!
Okay, it all starts with the Holy Trinity - that's dad, me and mum. Think of it like a family except that we have a bloody lot of power.
We made these creatures called angels - not to be confused with angles.


It turns out that there were good angels and bad angels. One was a real shit named Lucifer and he started the famous war between good and evil.
Obviously we were the good guys.
Okay, and here's my point.
How could this war have taken place if we didn't exist?

I even have a picture to prove it.
Wake up atheists, you're going to Hell unless you buck up your ideas and repent!


  1. This is bullshit. Your argument is simply illogical. Also, that picture is a paintin, probably done by some guy in the Middle Ages who believed all this shit.

  2. Go back to Bahrain, you middle eastern wanker.

  3. That's racist. If you did actually exist, I'd make a complaint.

  4. The word is 'Fuck'.
    It began just after the first christian nutters released that claptrap publication and tried to tell us that the world was created in a week.

  5. Robert, you make a good point. Sorry about the abuse you seem to take from that old St Pat's guy. John always went on about 'the word'. John was always, as I remember, very enthusiastic and had a slight tendacy to exaggerate. I think he had this sort of premonition about Microsost Word. Actually, as a person, he was a bit of a pain in the arse. Heck, I shouldn't really say that. Rob, it's great to have you on board and there is a nice place reserved for you in Heaven. Well done.
