Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Baxter and the problem with Padre Mio Dio.

The Book of Baxter 26:77 - 9


It had been a busy time for Baxter because there had been more trouble with the Saradites.

The Saradites = trouble.
The Saradites were little devils for trying to make up their own morals and poor Baxter had no choice than to assemble a huge army and slaughter them all over again. The Saradites had a tendency to breed like bloody cockroaches.

This animal breeds like a Saradite.
Baxter decided to take a bit of down time in Italy.
While trying to get some sleep he was awaken by some guy who was throwing up everywhere.
Baxter called out (in Hebrew), "Shut the fuck up!"
Unfortunately the noise continued.
Baxter had forgotten that he was in Italy and that they didn't speak Hebrew there.

In the end it was too much,so Baxter got out of bed and confronted the vomiting guy.
He, between throwing up, introduced himself as Padre Mio Dio.

"Mi chiamo Padre Mio Dio," the vomiting guy said.
Baxter thought quickly about the situation.
Here was a guy who had serious health problems, probably caused by a very bad diet, who was probably going to talk a lot of shit because he was in La La Land.

Baxter drew his very sharp sword and stabbed the guy in the throat.

To understand this book you have to understand the times.
Decisions, and outcomes, in Baxter's time were swift.
Like the way we treat 'livestock' these days.

Hear ye the word of Baxter.


  1. Fuck! Where to begin in commenting on this?

    1. It is no doubt allegorical as it suggests a sibling rivalry situation that is still unresolved - proxies are being used to play out hostilities.

    2. There is an underlying detestation of religion and the ridiculous blind faith demonstrated by followers of different sects and creeds. I'm OK with this.

    3. I was about to go to bed but thought I'd have a quick trawl around the blogs and discovered this AJ/Baxter Post which was published at 7.28PM. I discovered it at 10PM. To deal with it I needed wine but had finished off the VM Rose (in the interests of wine appreciation and evaluation) and had to open the other bottle of VM Rose I had bought today - don't tell The Old Girl.
    The problem with the confusing and convoluted set-up of The Bass Baggers Confederation is that one never knows when one of the confederated nutters has written a post. Not that it's important, certainly not 'ground-breaking' news but one likes to keep up to date.

    At THE CURMUDGEONS INC. new posts by associated members are announced n the core THE CURMUDGEON blog. Innovative?- Yes. Helpful? - Without doubt. Proprietorial? No, we at CURMUDGEONS. INC. would like to see other blogging groups improve and grow. We're like that at CURMUDGEONS. INC.

  2. Thank you for your thoughts The Curmudgeon and we appreciate the enthusiasm with which you follow our blogging members at The Bass Bagging Confederation. Your wine drinking late at night will remain our little secret. While The Bass Bagging Confederation might not agree with all that is written by Angry Jesus and while some of our staff might only have a brief working knowledge of all that is contained in The Book of Baxter, we like to give our bloggers more of a free hand - within the limits of good taste and reason. We try not to get into the habit of advertising every blog update as surveys have shown that our readers keenly work around our blogs, reading one and all. Obviously certain blogs will appeal to different people. We are pleased that you found it interesting enough to do a final check up before going to bed. Thank you for the enthusiasm that you bring to reading our blogs.
    Richard (of RBB)

  3. "but really like all of us no one wants to die!"

    Then why did the Victoria Parliament Upper House pass the 'right to die" Bill?
