Monday, December 11, 2017

Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum.

I've checked out a blog post by a non believer - HERE.

Okay, after a bit of a ramble he says that there is no scientific evidence for how a host (a little bit of bread) and some wine become my body and blood.

This is wrong.

Let me explain how the process works:

First of all, every week I have a go to a hospital and have blood taken in a purely scientific way. Okay, I admit that this process was a bit scary in the old days but we got it done.

Nowdays this blood is taken to a huge storage facility near the main church in each town.

Thanks must go the the St John's Catholic
ambulance staff.
There it is put into wine bottles.

A bit of sugar is added to
make it more drinkable.

Every month I also have a bit of my body amputated.

Don't worry, these bits do grow back because I 
am the Son of God.

These body parts are finely chopped and made into dough.

It does have a slight meaty smell, but what the hell!
Okay, then, after expert bakers have done their work, we have the hosts.

How do they taste? Not too bad.
Okay, sceptics are going to ask how we produce enough to satisfy all the churches over the world.
Basically I do the same as I did when, years ago, I turned water into wine.
As a God give me some bloody credit! I do have a few powers.

So, there we are, turning bread and wine into my body and blood is a very scientific process.
Suck on that atheists!


  1. Those meaty hosts should have a Holy Tomato Sauce to go with them.

  2. This is the body and blood of AJ, not a bloody fish n chip shop.

  3. No, vinegar and Worcester sauce should be for fish and chips. Tomato sauce is for meat pies and other meaty foods.

    Keep up!
