Saturday, December 9, 2017

I've decided to change the Lord's Prayer.

I see that Pope Frank is going on about changing the Lord's Prayer.

It seems Pope Frank is a Malborough man.

Too late Frank, I'm already onto it but thanks for the backup.

* * *

So here we go:

My Father who lives in Heaven,
How loud be Thy name?
Lots of people in Thy kingdom come
As they do on Earth (aka Jasper)
Yes, bonking's alive in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And give us some free passes
That can be used at concerts by us,
And musicians will give out some free passes too.
Deliver us not into cold ampitheatres
And deliver our mail on time.
There's wine in the kingdom
For when we are blogging
We'll edit the blog in the morning.

Hey, bear in mind that this is just my first attempt. I'll work on the chords and melody next.

Angry Jesus
Son of God
Saviour of souls